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7 Channels for Effective Online Content Marketing

In the continuously evolving landscape of online marketing, content marketing is the new buzzword. It seems to have caught everyone’s fancy-and certainly looks like it’s here to stay. Leading marketers are swearing by the results it helps achieve; smaller brands are scrambling to learn and adopt best practices.

To make the most of your online content marketing strategy, it’s very useful to include various means that complement each other. Here’s a look at 7 channels for effective online content marketing:

blog 1. Company Blog- This is practically a given for any company looking to create more visibility online. A blog is a great tool to serve the most important purpose of content marketing: educating the audience; which automatically over a period of time, generates traffic. An engaging blog, with real insights on your industry and relevant topics for your audience lends great credibility to your domain expertise.

guest blogging2. Guest blogging- Requesting individuals with good industry standing and thought leadership can work out very well to your advantage and can add great value to your online marketing strategy. It helps establish authority, often in a niche area, and boosts audience connect. It also helps expose your blog to the guest blogger’s own readers.

infographics3.Info graphics- Simplicity works, and how! An info graphic is exactly what its name suggests-information aided by a compelling graphic or visual. Easy to read, absorb and share, info-graphics are known to influence readers much more than any other forms of content. Figures, statistics, and research findings on a particular topic can be communicated with remarkable effect through this form of content marketing.

newsletter4. E-Newsletters-Use e-newsletters to keep your community of current customers actively involved with your brand. Although it can be used to promote products, a good e-newsletter more often than not includes well-curated content from different sources. Interesting things like quizzes or contests add to its appeal. It’s also a great platform to share company news and events with your customer database.

video5. Videos- There is a large variety of videos you could choose to create and share with your audience, depending on what is suitable for your business. A simple company overview, a video about your best-selling product, or a project launch that you recently concluded-anything can be made into a video. It can be shared very quickly by viewers and usually creates a powerful impact. The right script and duration (say 2-4 minutes) are a winning combination.

guides6. Guides and how-to lists- Guides are supposed to be instructional in nature. Your company may specialize in a particular kind of service or product; and you may be able to compile a write-up that dispenses pure information to your readers and potential customers. Guides are generally lengthy, and are greatly appreciated by serious buyers; both current and prospective. Companies often choose to publish them in PDF formats. The How-to list, in contrast, is a short, concise list addressing a specific topic, with useful tips or pointers. They are extremely popular and are considered a great medium for generating online brand loyalty.

case study7. Case Studies-While a case study may sound gimmicky to some, it really does work. The key is to present it as a validation of the claims your brand is making in positively impacting your customers. A simple, step-by-step narration of how a solution was arrived at, implemented and how it helped your customer; is likely to win your readers’ admiration and result in more website traffic.


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